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The Age Friendly City Project – Working Group Four: “Let’s talk about ageism”
We're really excited to be inviting people who live in Sheffield (and are aged 50 and over) to take part in our latest age friendly working group. The time to have your say and share your experiences about ageism is here!
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“Being a befriender for the last 6 months has changed how I think about being alone” – Peter
South Yorkshire Housing Association (SYHA) is the leading organisation for Age Better in Sheffield, and Peter has worked at SYHA for 5 years. He spoke to us about his work on Age Better in Sheffield during lockdown, as he took on the role of a befriender.
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Co-Production Week 2020: The Importance of Building a Co-Production Network
Vicky explains how co-production is more than just individuals, communities and organisations embracing the concept; it is about a wider network of people coming together and sharing learning
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Social Prescribing in a Crisis
Sue, from one of our partner programmes, Brightlife Cheshire, tells us how she has had to adapt her role since lockdown and gives us some top tips for continuing to offer valuable support in a time of crisis
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Co-production Week – Introducing Age Proud Leeds
Time to Shine, our Leeds based Ageing Better partner, tell us about co-producing their Age Proud Leeds campaign
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Co-production Week – How our Delivery Partners champion co-production
We spoke to Jan from our Ripple Effect project and Lewis from our Live Better: Get Connected service about what co-production means to them and what it looks like in practice
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Introducing Co-Production Week 2020: A welcomed opportunity to talk about all things Co-Pro
Week commencing 6th July is Co-production Week! As co-production is at the heart of Age Better in Sheffield, we are making the most of this week that is annually dedicated to co-production. Here's some of the ways we will be getting involved...
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New podcast series – Your Best Journeys!
Bluebell from our Better Journey’s project tells us about their fantastic new podcast series – Your Best Journeys. A brilliant series of stories from Sheffield's over 50s, reminiscing of old journeys and dreaming of new ones.
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The Ripple Effect – Getting creative with lockdown phone calls
Janet tells us about Activity Phone Calls and Walk and Talk Phone Calls, an innovative approach to ensure the Ripple Effect team can continue supporting people.
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A story of connection and friendship, formed in Vicenza, a small Italian town
Our very own Gilli tells us how she upped her life from London and moved to Italy to teach, staying at 86 year old Danilo's house. Despite their age difference and an initial language barrier, they formed a profound friendship.
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Promoting an age friendly culture: How Time to Shine are driving forward their Age Proud campaign
Vicky, Ageing Better's Senior Co-production lead, joined the Time to Shine steering group, gaining insight into how our West Yorkshire based Ageing Better programme are upholding their age-friendly narrative.
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Viewing our people as valuable not vulnerable: How Camden are Co-producing in a Crisis
The older people of Camden are supporting each other through a member-led network, demonstrating that they are indeed Ageing Better in Camden’s greatest asset.
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