Age-friendly Sheffield
An Age-friendly Sheffield is an inclusive city. A city that supports people of all ages to live well. A city that values and respects people of all ages. It’s a healthy, well connected, social, prosperous and fun place to live. It's the kind of city that you want to grow older in.
We are uniting the 8 domains of an age-friendly city with Sheffield's 8 priority areas. Together we are building a city that we can all thrive in as we grow older.
WHO Age-friendly Cities and Communities
Age-friendly Cities and Communities is a World Health Organisation (WHO) initiative launched in 2006. The initiative aims to drive local cities and communities to foster and support active and healthy ageing. The...
What does it mean for Sheffield?
In 2019, in partnership with Sheffield City Council, we led the successful application for Sheffield to be part of the WHO’s global age-friendly network. Since then, we have partnered with organisations and individuals across the city, paving the way...
100 Sheffield Voices
As we come out of the pandemic, Age-friendly Sheffield offers a unique opportunity to rethink how citizens and communities play an active role in what Sheffield needs to best...
100 Sheffield Voices
We are on a mission to speak to 100 people who live in Sheffield, and ask them what they think about Sheffield's 8 priority areas and what their vision for an Age-friendly Sheffield is.
Find out what they had to say here Have your say here