
Working Win Procurement

Age Better in Sheffield is looking to commission an established provider to act as a host project for an exciting partnership between Age Better in Sheffield and Working Win.

By montere · July 3, 2018

Service summary

Age Better in Sheffield is looking to commission an established provider to act as a host project for an exciting partnership between Age Better in Sheffield and Working Win.

The successful provider will host two Work and Enterprise Coaches, recruited, trained and funded by Working Win. The coaches will provide an IPS model of employment support to people over 50 living in Sheffield.

The responsibility of the host project will be to provide an active team for the Coaches to co-locate with; the host will generate referrals and manage data for the Age Better evaluation. The host project will have existing established service/s for older people in Sheffield and be able to evidence high levels of referrals through their existing service/s; sufficient to generate 300 referrals of people over 50 seeking employment support in 12 months. The host project will be responsible for weekly meetings with the Work and Enterprise coaches.

The successful provider will support with the development of campaigns to change employer perceptions of workers over the age of 50. They will recruit people over 50 to act as volunteer peer ambassadors and volunteer mentors to others looking for work. The provider will support Working Win’s employer engagement initiatives to raise the profile of the over 50 workforce.


The primary aims of the service are to:

-Test an IPS model of employment support for people over 50*

-Reduce loneliness and social isolation for people over 50

-Improve the evidence available to influence the services that help reduce isolation for older people in the future

* IPS involves intensive, individual support, a rapid job search followed by placement in paid employment, and intensive in-work support for both the employee and the employer. Work and Enterprise Coaches will be trained in this model of delivery by Working Win; this is not the responsibility of the host project.

To view the tender, please visit ProContract using the web link and either register or log in. The ProContract web address is:

The code for the Working Win Project tender is: DN344966



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ac magna mauris. Integer eu mauris elementum, dapibus enim vel, semper tortor. Nullam justo justo, dapibus quis dolor sed, mollis accumsan turpis. Etiam tristique porta lectus, eget vulputate erat vulputate non.

