Neighbourhood Toolkits

We've been creating Neighbourhood Toolkits in Sheffield since 2015. They help reduce loneliness and spread connection for people living in different areas in our city.

What is a Neighbourhood Toolkit?

A Neighbourhood Toolkit is a unique creation, designed to be posted through letter boxes and made by a local community for the local community (in partnership with us – Age-friendly Sheffield). 

Sheffield is the only city in the country to have an initiative like this and Neighbourhood Toolkits were first created as a direct way of reaching individuals aged 50 and over who were most likely to be experiencing loneliness and isolation.

South Yorkshire Housing Association has worked with local residents to design and deliver Neighbourhood Toolkits in three of our four target wards for the programme – Burngreave, Beauchief/Greenhill, and Firth Park. The toolkits created so far have aimed to support connections to thrive and to enable people to feel less alone from the moment it lands on their doormat. 

Neighbourhood Toolkit – Woodhouse Ward

We’re now working on our final Neighbourhood Toolkit in the Woodhouse Ward, and this time the toolkit is going to have an age-friendly theme. 

This means it is for absolutely everyone, whatever your age, and its aim is to support a positive experience of growing up and growing older in Woodhouse, promoting active-ageing for wellbeing across the life-course. 

Do you live, work, or go to school in Woodhouse?

If you’re in the Woodhouse ward, you can help shape your Toolkit by taking this survey.

We’d love to hear from the children and young people of Woodhouse – here’s a survey especially for these groups.

For more information or an informal chat please email

So looking forward to hearing from you!