Civic Participation and Employment
Everyone in Sheffield should be able to actively contribute to society, no matter what their age is.
Providing older people with meaningful good quality volunteering opportunities has a measurable positive effect on their mental health, while paid work can impact positively on both their wellbeing and their finances. However, it can become increasingly challenging for older people to remain in the workplace and opportunities to try new things are not so readily available to older adults. An age-friendly city helps keep its older citizens engaged in paid or unpaid work through policies including better transport to the workplace, accessibility and increased employer flexibility.
Volunteering for Age Better in Sheffield
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The recruitment of older volunteers is a particularly important aspect of ABiS because of our focus on strengths based working and because volunteering is a recognised way of reducing loneliness and isolation. This digest shares some of the challenges that Sheffield projects have experienced as well as the approaches and techniques that Sheffield projects have found successful. It has a Sheffield focus, but the principles may apply elsewhere too.
Age Better in Sheffield blogs about civic participation and employment
“Being a befriender for the last 6 months has changed how I think about being alone” – Peter
South Yorkshire Housing Association (SYHA) is the leading organisation for Age Better in Sheffield, and Peter has worked at SYHA for 5 years. He spoke to us about...
Staying connected with befriending telephone calls
We spoke to Jane and Betty about their experiences of being a part of our new telephone befriending service
Sally – our student volunteer
Volunteers are amazing, and that's why we're excited to be sharing Sally's story to celebrate Student Volunteer Week! Keep reading to find out more and be inspired!
All dressed up with somewhere to go: A day in the vaccine clinic
We spoke to our lovely Jan about her experience volunteering in a vaccine clinic.