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Philosophy in Pubs
'Philosophy in Pubs' brings people together in shared spaces in Sheffield to learn and discuss in an informal setting. The groups are facilitated by Rosie Carnall who uses the Philosophy for Communities (P4C) method to guide conversations; a structured but flexible process for a group to find and discuss a big question. To grow and develop this community initiative, Rosie successfully applied for Age-friendly Sheffield micro-fund monies in late 2021.
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Stories from the Pandemic
Compassionate Cities and Compassionate Communities is a global movement which came out of the belief that public health palliative care needed a focus on health and wellbeing - which is defined as ‘happiness and life satisfaction’ and is not ‘health’ dependent. In late 2021 a Compassionate Cities champion applied for Age-friendly Sheffield micro-fund monies to support a Sheffield-based storytelling project: Stories from the Pandemic.
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Richmond Medical Centre Community Garden
Sheffield GP, Dr Honey Smith, is leading the way on a project to green Richmond Medical Centre, Woodhouse. Passionately aligned with the Greener Practice agenda, and in a bid to make the practice more environmentally friendly, as well as bringing the community together around a common goal, Dr Smith applied to the Age-friendly Sheffield micro-fund towards the end of 2021.
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Match Day Experience
Sheffield Football Club understand the prominent position they hold within many Sheffield communities and the impact they can have outside of ‘the game’. As such, the club has a dedicated community development programme which helps fans and local people connect, learn, and grow together. The community programme successfully applied to the Age-friendly Sheffield micro-fund in late 2021.
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ME NO PAUSE is an inclusive dance group for women of all ages and stages in Sheffield to connect, share, improve, support and empower through the joy of dance. Women supporting women! Set up by Community Dance Artist Charlotte Armitage, the project successfully applied to the Age-Friendly Sheffield micro-fund in late 2021.
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Music Makers – The Beaufort Project
The Beaufort Projects supports adults with long-term mental health needs to live independently in the security and privacy of their own homes. The project successfully applied to the Age-Friendly Sheffield micro-fund in late 2021.
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Adira’s Christmas Hampers
Comfort and joy in every box.
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